A Magical Day In The Gulf

Tuesday 4th November.

Wow, another magical day in the Gulf aboard Reel Time.

We had Birds dropping from the sky like kamikaze fighters, Dolphins everywhere rounding up bait, a couple of Whales doing what Whales do & to top it all off a big fat Seal wallowing around in the middle of nowhere plus of coarse lots of angry Snapper.

Cheers Greg your a bloody legend mate.

A plan was hatched to shoot out wide again after some hungry angry Snapper, so departing Kawakawa Bay just after 8ish with Captain Greg, Young Bob & Myself.

The Crew.


We headed straight for the 40m mark, not a lot of life till then with only a few Birds here & there but nothing of any real interest, had a couple of drops on the way out, just prospecting while looking for life, a few small ones hooked & released.

At around 42m along the Coro Rail we hooked a few Snapper up to the mid 50’s which was the start of a day that I will never forget.

What happened over the next few hours would have to be one of the best Snapper sessions I have ever had, no 20lbers but the fish we did land (up to 6.5kg) where in great nick & hard fighting fish, especially on the light silly string & they just kept on coming till we pulled the plug & headed for home.

We found a couple of work ups through the day that just got better & better with time, dolphins working the bait & the Birds smashing them from the air, something that is hard to explain unless you have witnessed it first hand, photos & movies just don’t show the full story & the fever that takes over as fish after fish are being hooked up & pulled from the depths.

We made the call to leave the area we where in & head towards Tiri way as had got some reports of some good action, so we where off.

On the way over we came across a big fat Seal just wallowing around with not a care in the world, very cool moment & one that will stick in the memory banks for a while, it wasn’t bothered by us one little bit either as we took some photos & video of it ducking & diving, so on the move again hunting down those hungry Snapper.


We found a few boats on the way over just sitting in what looked like had been the work up from hell but it had just finished , the Dolphins, Birds & a couple of Whales where just mooching about & not up to much & there didn’t seem to be much underneath them so we just started to follow the Dolphins & Birds for a while then stopped & had a rethink of what to do.

With the next bite time at 2 Captain Greg spotted some Bird activity off in the distance so once agin we where off & what we found turned into an epic session.

Bobs hooked up, Captain Gregs hooked up & I’m hooked up all with seconds of one another, line screaming off My reel, just can’t get enough of that, so big smiles & happy times with some great memories being made, just what fishing is all about.

This went on for a couple of hours with some very nice fish coming over the side plus we had it all to ourselves, just magic.

Captain Greg hooked up.

Young Bob into a goodie.


Diversity eventually turned up & Greg had a good old chat to Captain Damo but the action had slowed down somewhat by then.


After that it was time to head on home but stopping on the way if there was any sign of life & there was so down we go & bang, Snapper time, smaller fish to start with but as the afternoon wore on the fish started to get bigger.

Around 1/2 4 the call was made to head in, i was stuffed, My arms felt 4″ longer & My back was starting to ache but that didn’t bother Me as I had had a truly magical day out in the Gulf with lots of great memories being made, excellent company & some bloody good fish for the Bradleys, just a stunning day.


The tackle we used was 2 to 4oz Cyclops with Zman 5″Pink Paddle Tails, Green, Orange, Blue & Pink Jitterbugs from 60 to 100 grams all getting smashed on the way down or just of the bottom, just some insane fishing.


The Green 100gram Jitterbug doing its thing.

So get out there & get into them folks its just going crazy out there.

Happy Days…………

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