Squiding Virgin

Sunday morning came and bought a new body on board, young Connor Scott from New Zealand OutdoorsConnor was a ‘virgin’ when it came to squiding, but we set off with high hopes as we went and got familiarized with the new territory. The smile on his face said it all – he was hooked.

We arrive at the same spot where we were yesterday and what a sight to behold.  The sun rose above the horizon and we were treated with the same crystal clear water and beautiful surroundings.   With no time to waste we went on with our first cast of the day.

Without delay, another healthy squid meets the live bait tank.  As I hook up, young Connor followed suit and before we know it, he was bringing his first squid on board – what a fight we had with the squid! The boat looked like a war scene and both of us were covered in black ink.  You could just see the vendetta in the squids eyes as it struggled to try get free from our clutches.  The squids were more aggressive today but they were no match for us.

We had a great view watching them crash tackle the lure we had for them. As the wind picked up, we are proud that we had a healthy-looking bin of squid for the day. The call was made and the plug was pulled, time to head home and clean the boat!

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