Mean as Winter Fishing

Author: Paul Senior


Well I tell you what winter is no time to put your rods away, yesterday was a great days fishing in the outer gulf.

We ventured out to this area here.

We had the tide right, weather was playing ball however the moon was just past full and we had a southerly wing so 50/50 for the trip planning side of things. Upon on arrival not much was showing up, few birds and not much on the sounder. We set up a drift and intially three fishermen used Micro Jigs and Jarrod fished with the Sliding Kabura we have been working on. We were pretty excited to be Micro Jigging as it seems to be a bit of a rage at the moment, but we became a bit dissapointed as Jarrod started to catch pannies on the Kabura without even a touch on the Micro Jigs. To be fair the Micro Jig fishermen did not last long before changing over to the ever faithfull Orange Gold Jitterbug with a shot of Secret Sauce up the Skirt. Success came almost straight away, here is Jake hooked up to a nice snapper using the a Gravity Rod prototype and the Ocean Angler MPR8 reel, this combo is fantastic for Jitterbug and Kabura fishing.

Its a great testing ground out here for lure effectvness as we find testing in Work Up situations a waste of time as the fish will hit anything in those situations. It soon became quite clear the the Orange Gold was kicking ass and everyone besides Jarrod swicthed over and started catching nice size fish.

For the next few hotrs we loaded up the bins with nice snapper ranging from pannies up to 6kg, the fish were in great condition and were putting up great fights on the light tackle. We did end up trying different colours of jigs and Jordan went back to Micro Jigs and did start catching a few pannies, while the Jitterbugs remained quiet, this was when we were fishing in amongst bait fish, so maybe this is when Micro Jigs will shine. The day before Slow Pitch Jigs were doing the damage.

It was a great day had by all, what did we learn.

  • Its going to be hard to find a lure that will out perform the Orange Gold Jitterbug with Secret Sauce.
  • There is more to creating a good Kabura skirt than upgrading the hooks, thanks Jarrod for you scientific style of testing.
  • Micro Jigs work better around Baitfish
  • Winter fishing is awesome.
Want to go fishing with Paul Senior?

You can every Monday, fish with the latest gear, learn from Paul on the water

Only four fishermen on the boat which is a Rayglass 2800, fast furious fishing with lures

$225 per angler, full day!

Make a booking here, next trip this Monday

Paul: m.021 227 9584 e.

Lure of the day.

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