Shallow Water Snapper Around Ponui Island.

Monday 14th July.

With the wild weather we’ve been having lately & not to many windows to get out in the last couple of weeks I was foaming at the mouth to get on the water & slay some shallow water Snaps.
So Sunday looked good Wind wise but not so with the Moon & also figured half of Auckland would be out & about so settled for Monday.
Also Monday had the start of the big tides, so thinking the Snapper would be right up in the shallows feeding on bits they can’t usually get to.
So up early & down the ramp for a 7am start, got there & couldn’t see a damn thing, fog city, couldn’t even see the bottom of the ramp, thank god for GPS.
So on the water & was a very slow trip out, eyes peeled & they needed to be, rubbish & debris everywhere.
Spotted a couple of big Dolphins hard up against the rocks so watched them doing there thing for 5min then moved on to My spot.
First cast & the little Penn Conquer starts screaming, god I love that sound but sadly it ended in tears, so Snapper 1 Me none.
So thinking there where some bigger models cruising around in the shallow foul I put the 4lb away & got out the heavy stuff…….10lb.
So cast out again & in, nice pannie around the 45cm mark, then another closer to 50.


Then bang, line pealing of the reel & after a short battle to keep him out of the foul up popped a nice 60cm Snap.

So then it was time to reset the drift.
The Snapper where hard on the bite right throughout the high tide & into the outgoing.
With them ranging from low 40s to just over the 50cm mark.
Bloody good eating size & lots of fun trying to get them out of the foul, lost a couple more but had more than enough, so time to hit the road on flat seas.
I left them bitting at 10ish.
Fished from 2 to 7m & the colour of the day was the Zman Nuked Pilchard PadllerZ on a 1/2 oz Pink Lightbulb.
Didn’t use anything else as this was doing the damage on the day.

Seems to be plenty of life around in the shallows so go get em.

Happy Days.

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